Let me try to address your concern by starting to give some more information about "PERNICIOUS ANEMIA" in simple terms.
PERNICIOUS ANEMIA - its a anemia which occurs due to deficiency of "INTRINSIC FACTOR" - which is kind of chemical released by stomach, which in turn increases the absorption of
vitamin B12. B12 plays very important role in process of formation of normal size and shape of RED BLOOD cell. In pernicious anemia the cell size increases due to lack of vitamin B12, which is why this kind on anemia is know as "LARGE- red blood cell anemia" (
megaloblastic anemia).
1) As far as the treatment is concern replacement of the store of B12 can be done rapidly by VITAMIN
B12 INJECTION which you already have taken .
2) A number of studies have shown long-term vitamin replacement treatment may be maintained with high-dose oral B12 supplements, since sufficient B12 is absorbed from these by a normal intestine, even without any intrinsic factor.
So to answer your question, YES, you will able to take "VITAMIN B12 TABLETS" once your stored B12 level comes to normal and you need to replace the loss/ used B12 by high dose B12 ORAL TABLETS.