Thanks for posting your query.
Do you have acidic belching/ abdominal discomfort/ gargling sound in abdomen/
abdominal bloating after taking meals?
With the available described symptoms, there appears to possibility of decreased gastrointestinal motility caused by thyroid disorders i.e.
Exacerbation of
abdominal pain after eating is specific for cholecystitis, pancreatitis,
peptic ulcer disease.
You should consult with internal medicine specialist/ gastroenterologist and should go for thorough check up.
You should also go for
complete blood count, Ultrasound imaging abdomen, thyroid profile, blood sugar, x ray abdomen and serum electrolytes.
Meanwhile, you should take proton pump inhibitors along with prokinetics for relief of your symptoms.
You should also take plenty of water and perform increased physical activity.
Avoid oily and spicy food, tomatoes, citrus fruits, excessive tea & coffee, chocolates.
Take soft diet along with yogurt.
Take care,
Dr. Mayank Bhargava