Hi Dr. Charles, I am Prashanth, an Indian, Male, 43 years old, 174 cms and 68 kilos. My LFT result (done by fully automated, bar coded, bi-directionally interfaced Roche Cobas Integra 400 Plus) shows the following abnormalities: 1. Total Biliruben: 1.4mg/dL(ref: Upto 1.3) 2. Direct Biliruben: 0.40mg/dL(ref: Upto 0.3) 3. Serum SGPT( ALT ): 89U/L(ref: 10-40) 4. A/G Ratio: 2.04(normal 1.3, Moderate 1.5-1.8, High1.8-2.4) The other abnormalities are: Lipid Profile: (Method: Enzymatic Colorimetric Assay done by fully automated, bar coded, bi-directionally interfaced Roche Cobas Integra 400 Plus) 1. TC: 226(ref: 125-200) 2. TG: 183(ref: 75-150) 3. HDL: 38(ref: 40-70) 4. LDL: 151.4(ref: 75-100) 5. VLDL: 36.6(ref 40) 6. TC/HDLC Ratio: 5.9(ref: 5) 7. LDLC/HDLC Ratio: 4.0 (ref: 3) Haemoglobin: 18.7(fer:13-18) Cervical Spine AP/Lateral Views: 1. Loss of Cervical Lordosis -- Para Spinal Muscle Spasm 2. Spondylotic Changes of C4, C%, and C6 vertebral bodies seen 3. I V Disc space of C5-6 is decreased I had a laser assisted removal of a prostatic uric cyst in 2009. Please let me know if I should be concerned about my liver mainly, and anything else : ) Thanks, Prashanth