Hello All. Recently, I have been getting the same problem. I normal drink a can or two a day of beer/malt liquors. Typically, I have been able to drink whatever I want, whenever I want.. But just a few days ago, I drank my typical 2 cans, ate a little and went to bed.. Around 5am. I woke up with a gnawing chest pain that was too uncomfortable for me to get back to sleep. I also had a little twinge pain or funnybone feeling pain in my left arm . Being too uncomfortable, I decided to go downstairs and drink a cup of milk. The pain continued for a couple hours.. I did notice that after climbing the stairs to get back to bed, the pain didnt get any worse, so I was kinda relieved that it wasn t a heart attack . I did worry that, that might be a possibility though. In any case. It happens all the time now.. Call it a life change that simply happens when we get older (I m 48) or some other anomaly, but it s pretty reliable that if I drink a can 24oz of my favorite beer (St Ides, Steel Reserve, Olde English 800, etc), it s gonna come to haunt me about 4 hours later.. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks for reading! :) Max Michael Smart YYYY@YYYY