Hi Dr Charles, last 3 weeks back all of a sudden my bowel movement was distracted , first day i had very loose stools , second day bleeding with loose stools , after that couple of days stools with white mucus , after that 2 days i had sudden pain occuring and urge to go to washroom unfortunately i couldnt pass the stools , felt something is blocking it. pain was suuden occuring and would subside in few minutes, after 10 days i visited GP and she gave me bacterial tablets also digestion tablets , she also prescribed complete blood lipid profile , stools and urine. Reports were normal other than fatty liver . now im back to normal , still feel sometimes digestive system has changed a lot . it takes times for me to digest now. Also i have blood pressure 50 /90 now. i never had blood pressure before . what can be the cause Doctor for all these things happened in my life..