Hi there,
Thanks for your query.
From the information provided, I personally feel that you are suffering from either :-
* Re-infection with H.pylori and would require another course (of 2 weeks' duration) of anti-H.pylori therapy, along with Pro-kinetic drug, such as,
Domperidone or metoclopamide; followed-w.e.f Day 15- by, anti-acid drug such as Esomaprazole or
Rabeprazole for 3-4 MONTHS, for COMPLETE cure. Eradication of the infection does NOT mean that re-infection cannot occur; OR,
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which is usually seen in patients with constant mental stress/anxiety with or without depression. If you are indeed under constant mental stress and anxiety with depression, a combination of anti-depressant drug PLUS anti-anxiety drug PLUS
Beta-blocker (such as,
propranolol or metoprolol) for a 2-3 months will give you tremendous relief.
Consult your doctor and apprise him of my opinion. I am certain that he will agree with me and will prescribe suitable treatment as advised.
If you find my response helpful and informative, do not forget an “excellent” (5-star rating) to my answer, to ENCOURAGE all doctors- engaged in social service- to render sound advice to the FREE queries.
Fond regards and have a nice day
Dr. Rakesh Karanwal