Thank you for the query.
Lower left
abdominal pain can be caused by
urinary tract infection, urinary tract stones or even bowels obstruction due to colon cancer.
As you are over the age of 50, colon cancer should be ruled out at first. It is because the risk of this cancer significantly rises with the age of 50. You may also have
blood in stool, constipation, diarrhea, weight loss.
Diverticlitis is a condition caused by
chronic constipation. Due to increased pressure in the large intestine, some kind of pouches are created. When a peace of stool stuck in such pouch (diverticle) it causes an inflammation. It gives quite characteristic lower left abdominal pain.
Urinary tract problems give lower abdominal pain, which can radiate to the groin or back. Frequent urinating and burning when urinating can be also present.
I suggest you to visit your doctor, have physical examination, abdominal ultrasound, blood work, urine analysis. If diverticulitis will be diagnosed, a course of antibiotics should be prescribed. After acute inflammation will be gone, colonoscopy should be done.
If no inflammation will be present (no diverticulitis), colonoscopy should be done right away.
Hope this will help.