Hi: I have relapsing and remitting MS. My MRI's have been stable since my diagnosis in 2008. I do have an array of symptoms such as cognitive difficulties, fatigue, muscle spasticity, muscle fatigue, difficulty sleeping, trigiminel neuralgia, numbness, and several other issues. I have had these symptoms some steadily, and some come and go in occurance and severity but often times can be quite debilitating. How come they never show up on the MRI? The MRI is always stable and no new lesions have shown up. Initially I had three markers in the spinal fluid, a couple lesions in the brain and a lesion in the neck plus half my head was numb and one leg was numb. Initially I had steriod infusions which really helped. Numbness comes and goes in certain areas. Sometimes my whole body tingles numb especially if i am tired. I would think this would show up on the MRI but nothing new ever shows.