Hello.......doctor, I am a male aged 28 years. I am wearing glasses for more than 13 years now. Recently in 14.09.2011, I went for routine check up. ( I also had some issues in my eyes as there was much tiredness in my eyes and some sort of muscle strain) My usual doctor found my eye power as - Right eye D.V. -2.5 (SPH), -1.5 (CYL), 120 (AXIS), 6/9 (Vision). In near vision the values are zero. ; For left eye the distance vision is -0.25 (SPH), -2.25 (CYL). 90 (Axis), 6/6 (Vision). My problem continued and on 17.10.11. I consulted another doctor. She found the power in right eye as -3.00(Sph), -1.00(cyl), 120(Axis) ; left eye -50 (Sph), -1.75 (Cyl), 90 (axis). she said there is dryness in my eyes and gave eye drops, also asked to do excercise with eyes by placing a pen and bringing it close to eyes. Still I had problems, went to another doctor, found the power as -3.25, -1.25, 130 Axis for right & -0.75, -1.5, 90 axis. (on 9/1/12). Different power within 4 months. My right eye vision can't be corrected to full vision ? Is there any treatment ?