I am chronic hbv patient. My previous blood test resutl is hbsag(screening) Positive; hseag(0.09)-negetive; hbcab(0.011) positive, SGPT is 18 UI/L, HIV -I & II , HCV-negetive on 8.1.2011. Then I underwent 6 months hometreatment. During the treatment period sufferedfrom burning of plams, soles, irregular bowl movement, bad breath, abdominal pain , constipation and other signs. After treatment my blood was tested bhsag+, hbcag+positive, hbsab-negetive, hbeag-negetive,SGOT-42 (9-35) SGPT-48 (10-36), hbvdna test resulst is to be received. Now I am suffering from burning sansation(heat palms/soles, warm air came from mounth), constipation, abdominal discomfort, ie., right side of the belly feel weighty, small cramps occured after taking meals. Sounds were appeared in the right abdomen when the stomach is empty. Since my ast/alt raised and right side of the belly feely wieghty samlla cramps and sound in right abdomen this means what? I am decided to switch-over to either allopathy or ayurvedic treatment. which is better to cure my disease? The doctor hold what degree in allopathy or ayurvedic? Your reply is very very great to my life?