Hi, my son got a small gash in his head the other day while outside playing. It bled quite a bit, but then stopped and didn t look as though it needed stitches, though the gash appeared a little deep. My husband attended to him and didn t apply an antiseptic cream. I did that when I came home 2 hours later. The gash has healed, but there is now a hard lump under the same spot. It is about as big as an almond , but round. He says it is sore to the touch. My concern is there is a family with which we have close contact upstairs and they have a dog that has MRSA and 6 large cysts on his head. I m worried. Should I go and get a blood test at a GP or go to a dermatologist and then he will probably refer me? Can MRSA be gotten rid of out of the body if it is that?