Hello kcombs2112,
Since you are already diagnosed with UTI you should have patience and try co-operating with your treating physician. UTI takes 10 days or more to get well. Sometimes a repeat intake of
oral antibiotics becomes mandatory if the causative agent is very resistant to the medicines ( antibiotics prescribed ). UTI is caused by parasite/ bacteria or fungi but the most common is
E.Coli. You should increase the amount of fluid intake if you want to help yourself and feel better. You should take plenty of pure, hygienic water, juices, soups, fresh fruits and veggies. Berries are very good. Take care of your hygiene, take regular showers, get your clothes washed and get treated with
dettol or
savlon. Do not hold urine for a long time. Keep emptying your bladder as soon as you get the pressure to do so.
Keep yourself well-hydrated and continue taking the medicines prescribed by your treating doctor. You are getting headache because you are dehydrated.
Dehydration leads to exhaustion and thus
dizziness, pain in the neck and back. White stuff on tongue is thickened mucous, it seems you are empty stomach.
Take meals nicely before you take the medicines. You should re-visit your doctor, you need to get a few blood and urine tests done. If you are a sexually active person make sure your partner is not a carrier of UTI. It is a contageous infection. Take care.