HI I have gone through your mail and as you said that you are having off and on blockade in your ear,and on same side you are having pain in neck and headache,by considering your all these symptoms I am suspecting that you are having recurrent upper
respiratory tract infections giving rise to pain in throat & neck,this infection is reaching to your ear through eustechian tube (tubular connection between throat and ear),thus producing pain in ear and recurrent ear blockade,to confirm this you have to go for these investigations-(1) C.T.scan of
paranasal sinuses, (2) Pure tone audiometery, (3) Impedance audiometery (4) Culture & sensitivity of throat swab (5) X-Ray of
TMJ named as orthopantogram,Though diagnosis is always made by considering symptoms of patient,physical findings obtain by clinical examination performed by doctor and co-relating these with results of investigations.as for as your problem is concern though I have not examined you but on basis of your symptoms I am suspecting that you are suffering from UPPER RESPIRATORY TTRACT INFECTION WITH
SECRETORY OTITIS MEDIA,because TMJ pathology may give rise to pain in ear called as reffered
otalgia but it may never cause blocked ear,TMJ pathology can be confirmed by X-Ray of TMJ (orthopantogram).Thanks.