I hope you can please answer my question.
I had small amount of hearing loss associated with persistent headache for about 2 weeks.
At which point ,I went to local doctor , who sent me for a CT scan and blood tests. Which all came back fine.
However my hearing still was not very good . so he then sent me to a E&T specialist. Who said I needed grommets in both my ears.
Surgery to insert grommets was done wed 13/3/2013 on next day, I Rang specialist to tell him I had fresh Blood coming from my ear at which he told me to put ear drops in my ear for 3 days and all should be well to see him in 3 week’s time.
However. I am still getting fresh blood from my ear. Why is this be happening ?
What could this post Op complication be? . I am a lady of 66years , not a child.. can this pooling of blood be dangerous to my long term hearing?
It may be that the grommet has fallen in , rather than out. if so what needs to be done.
Could it be that I have a blood clot, if so what does this mean to me and my hearing.
Please can you shed some light on this problem and have you heard of this happening before.
I would appreciate a reply at you earliest possible convenience.
Thank you