i got my helix pierced about a week ago with a needle, and it was going ok apart from a bit of pain, until my brother knocked it really hard, this caused it too bleed and become quite painful, i then cleaned it with salt water and put some ice on it to stop the pain. but for the past few days it has come up extremely swollen, very red and is very painful. my bar was long which made room for swelling, but it only just fit now. tonight i have taken my bar out and cleaned it with some more warm salt water. i know people say dont take your piercing out as it can lead to a worse infection but i cannot see how keeping it in would do it any good at all. how long do you think it will take for the swelling to go down and the piercing to close? Please help, just dont tell me anything which will make me panic to much as i am a wimp with these things.