Hello Doctor,
I believe I have chronic bronchitis, amongst other issues. I am a smoker, tried to quit several times, 2 weeks-2 months at a time, and fail, and am I ashamed of myself. I quit again 2 days ago. I am terrified of going to the doctor for fear of being diagnosed with lung/throat cancer. I am 41, female smoke about a pack a day, (as of the past few years), although I have smoked for 20 years, not as much as now. I have wheezing (especially at night time, along with other strange noises, and shortness of breath at times). I feel fatigued, very run down, and have been for quite some time. I am not experiencing any unexplained weight loss. Although today, I noticed a swollen lymph node in my armpit about the size of a pea. It started as a red spot that itched about 4 days ago, and now it is a bump. I also have a yeast infection. I am a hot mess, ha. Could go on but will start with this.