I am 26 yo and started suffering from hemorrhoids at approximately age 24; recently I have been experiencing rectal pressure and abdominal discomfort, I often feel I still need to have a BM even after just finishing. I have used annusol suppositories off and on with flare ups but was informed by others that rubbing alcohol eliminated their problems with hemorrhoids? Can you provide some insight please. No risk factors for Colon CA, Did suffer from Gastroenteritis in early december that may have caused some IBS but not 100% sure, occasionally have mucous present in stool. Most likely internal and external hemorrhoids are present, they swell up very large with straining but reduce shortly after. Do you think I may need a colonoscopy or GI referral for further evaluation. As long as I am active I do not notice it but it is the worst at night. I am a RN.