Hi- I am a 57yo female with right sided, atypical, hypochondrial discomfort (not really 'pain') for about the last three years. it is most noticeable when i'm seated - i try and stretch out to relieve the discomfort, yet i find wearing an elasticated support band around my stomach helps. I am not overweight (73 kgs and 5'10 tall), don't smoke and am generally in good health. I have had multiple investigations all with negative results: CT of upper abdomen and pelvis, HIDA scan, ultrasound checks, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, liver biopsy, numerous blood tests, technecium scan. I cannot have an MRI as I have a defibrillator (I suffered an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in 2006). My most recent CT indicates 'there is fibrotic streaking at the right lung base'. To me, this is where my 'pain/discomfort' is - just below and under the base of my right ribcage. I had Bornholms disease when i was in my teens and recall it was mainly on my right side. Could there be a connection?