I had severe sharp pain on the left side of my head two days after my dental cleaning. My hygienist told me that I had gingivitis. When she cleaned my teeth on the left side, I felt a bit pain on the spot. Two days after, I started severe pain on the left side of my head. I went to see my family doctor, he diagnosed it as regular nerve pain caused by stress or unknown reasons and prescribed Advil extra strength. Two days later, the pain became very worse and I ended up in the hospital emergency. I told the doctor that I had dental a few days before and they checked on my gum. The first doctor said that the gum may have been cleaned too deep and exposing the nerve. He related the headache to the dental cleaning. He saw inflammation but no infection. He wanted to prescribed very strong pain killer and asked me to go back to the dentist. The senior doctor agreed with the first doctor that the headache was related to the cleaning. But he prescribed Penicillin V 600 mg, Tylenol 1mg, Advil 600 mg,and Zantac. I took the Penicillin V , and one pain killer at a time. The pain gradually subsided. The would at the gum still not healed yet. When I went back to see my dentist, he said there's no infection, but only inflammation. The headache is not related to the dental cleaning. Now, I finished one week of anti biotic, the headache come and go. I still need to take pain killer once a while. Can a headache caused by dental cleaning? What might be the possible reasons? What else should I do now?