Hi! I was born with Tetralogy of Fallot. I have pulmonary artesia with a ventricular septal defect and a 2:1 atrioventricular block. I also have moderate right ventricle to pulmonary artery conduit stenosis with flow acceleration in the conduit, with a peak velocity ~3.9 meters per second and a mean gradient of 35mmHg. I have mild right ventricle to pulmonary artery conduit regurgitation, moderate tricuspid regurgitation via multiple jets, mild right ventricular hypertrophy, trabeculation in the right ventricle free wall and apex, moderately dilated right ventricle with qualitatively low normal right ventricular systolic function, dyskinetic septal wall motion, AV Block Second Degree, and a dual chamber transvenous cardiac pacemaker. I am taking 81 mg of aspirin, 25 mg of meTOProlol XL, and 10 mg of enalapril. I'm also told that I need pulmonary valve replacement surgery. Other than this, I am healthy. My doctor has not put any limits on what I can do, just as long as I avoid injury to my chest. My question is this-Is it okay for me to consume the occasional alcoholic drink (say 1 drink or 1/2 a drink) considering my condition and the medicines I take?
P.S. I have taken a sip of alcohol before and also drank half a glass of wine before without any noticeable side effects.