Hi iam a caregiver and my client, has had a stroke about 2 yrs ago, i notice he shuffels, and now has incontinence sometimes during the day and nite, he has fallen a couple times, he said he lost his balance, couple weeks ago, he didn't hurt himself, he is noticing he is slowing down mentally, confusion sometimes, and forgetfulness, very nice 82 yr old. can a stroke cause nph? he had a cat scan the other day, and they said he has fluid on his brain, so his dr is going to have fluid taken out . what should i watch for, i have been working with him as a stroke victum, and getting him to walk a little, and do some squats, but he says he seems to be getting weaker, i don't push him , i let him do what he can, i still like to see if he can walk with the walker a bit outside to get some fresh air for about 10 15 min. is there anything else i should be doing for him, and also will he have to go into the hospital to have this fluid taken out, and how long would he have to be in there? thank you for your advice.