Hi my name is lyn im 56 yrs old my doctor said I have high colestral it was up to 7 but after a month it went down to 6.1. I am going through the menapouse and I suffer realy hot flushes mostltly more when I eat ,and at night ,im not a big eater and only weigh 7stones as im just 5"tall I only need to eat one biscuit and I get prikly feelings and hot feeling throughout if I eat a meal I sometimes feel I will faint and also feel very very sleepy and sometimes need to sleep .I get very tired when I do eat and cant work out why this is ? I eat farely ok but seems my body is regecting food ? I also sufer iritable bowle and if I dont use laxido I sufer in this area as well , I feel so tired all the time ,and feel my doctor is not helping me as he will not do another test for high colestral im confused , any advise would be apriciated thank you .lyn