hi there,i m 29 years old and have had a history of blackouts over the last 9 years,my heart rate would suddenly pick up and it would feel like my heart was beating out of my chest and then my head would feel strange and go black and the next thing i knew i was coming round after blacking out,docs put it down to my bp being low,in the last few months i ve been getting a lot of chest pain and due to my family history of sudden cardiac death i was sent for tests,i had an echocardiogram and the doc said they found a mild MR and i had a 7 day monitor on and they noticed a nocturnal sinus pause,i had the stress exercise test and was ok while doing it but around 30 minutes after the test the chest pain started again,in the last 6 weeks the chest pain seems to be getting a lot worse,i m experiencing it quite a lot throughout the day now(every day) and if i try to exercise the pain is a lot worse,i feel my chest fluttering a lot and a heart beat and strange feeling in my neck,i m also getting a lot of pain in both sides of my neck and experiencing numbness and pins and needles in my hands,arms,legs,my legs and ankles also keep on getting swollen,aswell as light headedness,my next appointment with the cardiologist is not for another 6 weeks and i m worried that the MR might be getting worse,would you suggest i get seen to asap or wait for my appointment,thanks