My mom is 74 with a lomg history of hypertension, controlled with meds, giant cell arteritus, lupus , and tendonitis . She got the flu, which turned into pneumonia , which developed into septic shock , which caused a heart attack (the infection entered her heart via lower left lung lobe), and this caused renal failure . She has rebounded well, all except her elevated heart rate, and PVC s. her resting HR is around 90 and she is still throwing the occasional PVC although the PVC s have subsided substantially. She is on the max daily dosage of Lowpressor at 200mg per day, 100mg twice a day. She is still hospitalized at this time, but will be going to a rehab transition facility soon. Hiw long can she sustain life like this? Thank you in advance for your opinion. That s all I m asking for here, not a stone cold prediction.