my boyfriend has had stomach pains for last 10yrs or so. they havent been able to find anything causing this. he did have a few polllops taken off sometime ago. this past 6 to8 months it took a turn for the worst, He started having bad acid reflux , rapid weight loss, got to where he had to spit it out it would back up so much, finally got to where he threw up 3 days going, fresh blood was coming up as well. that was it, he said call the emergency."i feel like im die,n.."he said.. his potiassom was low which was causing his heart to get weak...they came up with Duodenm Ulcer. an enflamed esophagus and stomach. sayn he has an ulcer at the beggining of his small intestine. foods couldnt break down and move on through. hes on a liquid diet for three months. they say they might haveto go in and make that way bigger if it heals small.... does this sound right to u?