Hi, i have a history of severe ulcerative colitis and had a total colectomy with ileoanal anastomosis in 2002. I have been having a lot of fatigue lately so i visited my doctor and had some labs drawn. My CBC was WNL, Lyme neg, ANA neg, CCP neg, Rheumatoid neg, TSH WNL, but on my CMP showed elevated bilirubin of 2.0, Alkaline Phosphatase was low at 41 and BUN/Creatinine level was elevated at 22.9. I just started to have upper abdominal pain that is different than my usual gas pains. I am not sure if the elevated bilirubin could be Gilbert s syndrome or something else since i am having this abd. pain. I will be having a repeat bilirubin test this week(non-fasting). I was just wondering what your thoughts are and I also wanted to know if people who have had a total coletomy get the same GI bugs/viruses other people do? Thank you