hello. I had vaginal prolapse surgery about three years ago. I have been in excruciating pain during intercourse ever since. I returned to my doctor several times. She told me I was "perfect" inside, but under examination she needed to use a childrens size device to look inside my vagina. She gave me the name of a doctor who specializes in womens vagina and sexual health. I went to him last summer. He had me put a glass dildo inside my vagina. It felt fine, but it was quite small. When he increased the diameter of the next one, it was too painful to insert. It felt like the scales of a fish were being pressed backwards, razor like pain. He then gave me one to take home that was I guessed to be the equivalent in size to my husband. I worked with it for a month, rubbing estrace cream on it and massaging myself and then entering it in me. It hurt a bit, felt tight, but the pain subsided as I my body relaxed and got lubricated. I was excited to have intercourse with my husband. When we tried, It was horrible, the pain was unbearable. I never went back to him and have just ignored the issue. I cant take it any longer. My husband has been so patient, but we have no sex life. I intend to go see the doctor again, but he is from washington and is only here 1x a month and he costs 600$ a visit. I cant afford this. I feel that i already spent so much to have the surgery. Honestly, I have never heard of anyone having this problem except for one woman I just discovered this evening on the website. I live in NY and was recommended to a highly regarded doctor in the field by an A++ doctor who specializes in menopause. Please, can someone help me, will I ever recover?