Hello friend,
Thank you for posting your query through Healthcare magic.
Our body has got innumerable mechanisms to protect itself from adversities.
Hence the reactions following an
injury of the sort your daughter met with has to be understood in a different way. Then you will understand what had really happened.
The big goose egg sized lump on her forehead is decided by two factors. First is the intensity or nature of the injury. Second and the most important is the reaction of the individual who suffered from the injury, your daughter. It is the nature of the defence mechanism of your daughter that decides how it should react to the injury. In any case we should expect that the body will take any step for the betterment of the patient.
Instead of welcoming the lump, as a positive response of the body, you wanted to arrest the process of protective measures by putting very
cold ice to the part thereby arresting the blood flow, development of pain, heat, swelling etc which are all symptoms of inflammation following an injury. Inflammation is to be welcomed and you hindered this process.
But when you withdrew the application of ice, at night, the body again behaved as it is programmed to act and again brought out the symptoms of pain, swelling etc. You should not any more interfere with the natural process of cure by any external suppressive measure.
But at the same time your daughter can have Homoeopathic internal remedy to facilitate the curing process . Approach an expert Homoeopath for giving her constitutional remedy selected on the basis of individuality. The genetic and constitutional individuality is shown by every individual during so called health and during sickness.
If you will approach me with more details through the premium follow up question facility of Healthcare magic, I can help your daughter with the right curative remedy.
With Best Wishes,
Dr. C. J. Varghese,