hello, i had recently had 3 teeth removed. i also had a absences on my right side of the face that was very painful. after the teeth were removed i was given 600 mg of ibuprofen tablets, and was required to take every six hours. i was also given 300 mg of clindamycin . and also was asked to take every six hours. the next day i was scheduled to see the dentist again for my progress, and she noticed that i had a great deal of puss coming out of my mouth. she then prescribed me 325mg of norco and explained to evrey 3 hours i should switch from the ibuprofen to the nor co to kill the pain, she then had sent me to a oral specialist who looked at me and prescribed me 500 mg of penicillin , stating i need ed to take a starter dose 4 at once then 4 every day. i had a follow up appointment with him were he told me the swelling went down but it looked like it could be perhaps a pallet problem. i now have this little hole on the inside of my mouth that oozing puss. he said since i wasn t he original doctor he sent me back to my dentist, and recommended perhaps i see a clinic downtown that could take weeks to see me. may i add when all this happened i did not have any insurance and was under the feeling he was just shying me away knowing he would be wasting his time working on me also i have been having problems opening my mouth larger then a finger or so and really haven t had solid food. mostly soup or anything i can fit in my mouth. this has been a horrific exspierience and want it all to end. one of the concerns i have is i feel when my tongue pushes agenst the side of my face and taste the puss which is absolutely disgusting, but when this happens i usually spit it out in a cup. then swish with listerine or salt water. can this stuff kill you if you swallow it all day long. i just want to get better please help.