hi...dear gagan..,
Thanks for choosing HCM.,
topical steroid with
Neomycin cream..,
Suddenly stops will produce ..withdrawal effects...like itching, redness.,
burning sensation...So don't stop abruptly..,
U follow these steps..,
1) Slowly tappering tha application Betnovate N...
like...alternatively, once in 2 days, once in 3 days..like this..prolong the course..,
2) After 3 weeks cmpletely stops the cream...and starts the Momentsome cream..,
It is also steroid ., but mild potent...safe to use...after 1 weeks...tapper it..,
and start with Moisturizing cream...z
3) Tab..Levoctrizine daily night times...,
4) Tab...
Betamethasone...Walacort 0.5 mg daily morning times..,
will give very good resuilt...
SUNSCREEN LOTION is mandatory....to every time...thanQ