hello concerned patient and thanks for writing to Hcm.
i read query and understand your concern regarding the
cough which started when you took
lisinopril and now also on
it would have been more helpful if you mentioned your age,whether you have any other medical or drug history etc?
Unfortunately cough is a side effect of lisinopril and rarely i see cough in some of my patients on losartan also,though it is less than one-fifth of them
If i were your treating doctor,
i would slowly take you off losartan for 5 days and see if cough persists or will consider prescribing you tablet
nifedipine instead and advise bp checkup every two weeks for first two months and then once a month therafter..
your cough should be relieved in a week
i advise to you to relax and stay off cough syrups for now as they too have side effects and dependency when over used.
Hope i have clarified and hope it helps.
Follow up if needed.
Good day and take care