First, you won't believe me and you have rather a lot of reason NOT to, and most of the worst cravings are over by 20 days. I'm not sure I can reasonably justify the usual
nicotine replacements to someone who is out from nicotine 20 days as I can at 2 days. If anything,
chantix would be an interesting choice. It has very very low nicotine effects. GENERALLY, this is a trigger for exactly the bad feelings and moods you have. Generally people get crankier on it. Cannot say in your particular case and 1/10th the nicotine effect of cigarettes might be a lot more than zero and might be helpful in your situation.
But first, realizing the 11% lifetime risk of fatal
lung cancer, the 10-20% of lung rotting
COPD, the 100% risk of lung damage (
emphysema of variable amounts), the over 10% increased risk (meaning over 10% risk of dying when you would NOT) from
heart disease... good reason not to smoke. The total money spent on it. ALso. 20 days in general there are complex psychological triggers at work making you want to smoke.
It's all milleau. Vietnam veterans quitting
heroin... 90%, heroin addicts in intensive group/family 12 step programs... 50-70%, those going it alone.. 25%... success rate in tobacco generally... 25%. Making your own milleau supporting quitting:
first, you need to involve family friends coworkers (and doctors)
second, set a quit date, get all cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters out at or before the quit date.
Then... make your own milleau. You'll hear about this method. I came up with ... I modernized it.
Here it is.
Get stickers, gold stars, or flourescent sticky notes. Whenever there is a trigger and you don't smoke, put up a marker on top of the trigger. The triggers connection to the brain circuits cannot be removed. They can (literally) be papered over.