I am 47 years old, pre- menopausal, feeling depressed, gained over 20 lbs in one year. I keep very active and have a healthy lifestyle but I suffer from major insomnia. After gaining so much weight and loosing a job I absolutely loved, I feel like I am loosing control of the direction of my life and being a happy person. I was also taken off of my thyroid med for a year. I went to a new Dr. a year ago and he told me I did not have a Hyperthyroid problem... I had been taking Armour Thyroid for 2.5 years prior. I went to a hormone Dr. recently, he suggested that I have a partial Hysterectomy. He prescribed Citalproam HBR 40 mgs, for my depression. I am currently weening myself off of Klonopin, that I was taking at night for sleep. Is 40 mgs a high dosage to start with? will It help me with my Insomnia? I can t fathom the thought of gaining more weight. Any suggestions or reccomendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Sherie Lynn