It seems that probably you may be having
atopic dermatitis. You have itchy sensation on face.And you have
cheilitis and fissures on nasal areas.
Kindly consult the
I would suggest..
- tab methyle prednesolone 8 mg thrice a day for 5 days then to tapper 4 mg every 5 days.
- antibiotic like
azithromycin 250 mg thrice a day for one week
- antihistaminics like desloratidine once a day at night daily till itch is relieved
- apply mild steroid with
fusidic acid cream on the cracked areas and lips
- moisturiser cream like liq paraffin on face daily in morning after bath
- avoid soap on face
- avoid exposure to sun
- avoid fish,chicken,eggs,nuts,bringel,curd,milk products,banana in diet
- avoid contact with dust,fume,cosmetic,pollens,wool..etc
- keep mind cool,no worries and tension
- have patience
This would help you..
Dr.Ilyas Patel MD