Hi, my 16 year old daughter is suffering her second attack of labrynthitis in the space of a month. Although I say labrynthitis, her GP is unsure if it is this or BPV. Each attack seems to have been preceded by listening to loud music. She has some mild pain in her ears although we are told they look clear, she also tells me that her hearing seems slightly reduced in one ear. She feels that ground is moving and also a feeling that she is rocking and swaying and that her coordination is poor. She also feels foggy headed, a spacey feeling with poor concentration. Watching TV or using the computer worsens the symptoms. Her GP initially prescribed stugeron which was not effective. She then tried stemetil which gives a small amount of relief although it is short lived. When she had the attack a month ago, stemetil worked completely. She has now missed a week of school and we are wondering what other medication might be effective in getting her back on her feet. Thanks