Thank you VERY much for your time/input. I was dx w/ NSCLC Stg 3B in May, 2015. I refused, at the time, the ONLY offered tx of chemo/radiation. FIVE months later - Sept, 2015, I found sitting in my Medical Records, that I had EGFR positive mutation - thereafter, to make the story short, I started Tarceva. By Dec. 2015, tumor had overgrown the Tarceva, 20% tumor growth fm original staging and tx chged to Afatinib 30mg QD and IV Avastin 5mg/kilo every other week. Dec : CEA: 56.4 Feb : CEA 23.9!!! CT on 2/20/17: Tumors are stable *Jan 2017 - L2 Tumor - tx w/ cyberknife 1/9-1/13/17. now dx at NSCLC Stge 4 QUESTIONS: 1. how often do I need fup CT of chest/abd/pelvis w/ contrast? 2. Would I be a candidate for Radiotherapy or Microwave ablation etc *tumors range fm 3cm to 10cm - PRIMARY TUMOR: RUL - PDL 5%, EGRF Positive 3. What other treatments could be added ? 4. Because of the mets to L2 - does this make my survival beyond 5 yrs a doubtful event?