I am having nerve pain in my foot from diabetes and other nerve pain from my back down my legs that I guess could be from previous back surgeries. Gabapentin (for feet) and pain reliever, and Meloxicam help ease nerve in my back However, On top of that I am having extreme pain that feels like it is down in the bone and deep in my muscles. Trying to move in any manner makes it flare up and hurt more. Every step and every movement makes it hurt worse. I can t leave home because I can t walk far enough or move well enough without writhing in pain. I have the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Rhuematoid arthritis was ruled out but I do have arthritis. My question is, do you have any other treatment suggestions, and/or, do you think it could be something else? I am taking Savella, Gabapentin, Tramadol, Hydrocodone, Meloxicam. I explained in another screen the impacts of each one.