Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service.
I have reviewed your query and here is my advice.
First, please make sure she doesn't have an illness that is more serious than a viral infection.
Does she have skin rash? Is she alert, knows who you are and where she is?
In supine position, ask her to lift her head and touch her chest with her chin. If there is no rash, she is alert, and can touch her chin then, it is unlikely she has a serious illness.
Some physicians feel that a child's
fever ought to be treated with only one fever medicine. This is because
acetaminophen and
ibuprofen are equally effective for fever. And acetaminophen is given every 4-6 hours while ibuprofen is every 6-8 hours so this leaves room for a potential mistake in
dosing. Make certain you are giving the fever medicine as it says on label.
She will feel better if she is not dehydrated, so remember to offer fluids (which can include Popsicles and Jello) frequently.
I hope she is well in 2-3 days.
If you have more concerns, please get back in touch.
Arnold Zedd, MD, FAAP