Pain associated with exertion is quite possibly
angina. This can occur with NORMAL coronaries due to the vessels spasming and this is very commonly associated with
smoking. While a simple
stress test can show this, the symptoms have to occur during the test for it to be valid.
A dye stress test in which you get the
arm pain from doing the activity that causes the pain is highly likely to show if it is spasm.
Can also be lung problem of a MINOR nature that can give the pain.
Can also be an
esophagus problem of a MINOR nature that can give the pain.
Nitrates would help the heart and the esophagus. Not as much as not doing the activity that causes the pain.....but still something.
Then.... the best way to quit requires an evaluation first:
first this HAS TO BE CHECKED OUT with a stress test to know if it is safe.
1)Vaping can have the
nicotine amount titrated down very gradually. There is a strong tendancy to just do a lot more vaping when the nicotine is turned down, but this can be avoided in theory.
2) do standard addiction things with cigarettes. get all the stuff out of the house (avoid); consider getting a replacment (substitute), tell everyone when you are quitting and get them involved in it (transcend),
3) doctors might be helpful.