DO NOT drink anything acidic in an attempt to relieve
heartburn. Although that users explanation does sound logical.... unfortunately that is not how your body works.
Drinking something "like lemon juice' as she suggested would low the pH in your stomach further, and may possibly lead to a feedback inhibition of HCL secretion from parietal cells (by inhibiting gastrin release from the
duodenum). However, the result will be temporary, and with regular usage of this method you will shift the sensitivity of the receptors in your GI tract so that the equilibrium is disrupted and the abnormally low pH is begins to be established as homeostasis. In other words, your acid secretion will be up-regulated.
As far as natural remedies go, try milk, or
milk of magnesia. But these are of course, only symptomatic treatments. The real issue is determining the underlying cause. With heartburn you have a burning sensation in your
esophagus due to
gastric acid reflux from your stomach. Chronic
gastric reflux is actually a fairly serious concern, as it can lead to changes in the lining of your esophagus (barret's esophagus) which is considered a pre-cancerous condition.
I'd recommend consulting your MD about this condition and possibly starting you on prescription
antacid and referring you to a GI doc.