Breast cancer detected in initial stages has the good prognosis. and we have different type of therapy to deal with this and generally we use combination of these therapies to treat and decrease the chances of reoccurrence. The surgical removal of tumor mass is the best method to make tumor free. If the lump is small we can go for breast conservation surgery (BCS) along with
radiation to the breast, which is equally effective as Modified radical
mastectomy (MRM) which we do in case of large tumors and tumor which has met to local lymph nodes. Radiation can be given to breast in case of BCS and chest wall in case of MRM by linear accelerator. After that we add
chemotherapy and there are various regimes of chemotherapy approved for this depending on the condition patient and stage of disease. And wonderful thing we can use in cases of breast cancer is anti-
hormonal therapy, if the type of cancer is hormonal receptor positive i.e. ER, PR +ve; we use
tamoxifen in such cases and if it is HER2/neu +ve then we also we Trastuzumab(
Herceptin) if tumor size is >2cm and lymph node mets or high-risk patient. Generally we use all these modalities of treatment in a patient if he is ER/PR/HER2/neu +ve, otherwise we use combination of surgery, chemo and radiotherapy.
Hope this answers your query.