Thanks for writing to HCM,
I am Dr Saleha I have read your question and will answer you in detail about your concerns.
This blood pressure reading you just mentioned is indeed one on which a simple medicine has to be started , that's what your doctor did, but from this stage you can improve your blood pressure to much better limits by minor lifestyle modifications which are as following.
+ Get physically active, some cardio or a walk daily will do.
+ Modify factors which can help in controlling blood pressure like:
-Reducing weight.
Smoking cessation.
-Controlling your salt intake.
-Controlling your oil intake.
+ Get your
cholesterol levels checked and if they are deranged you can discuss with your doctor about treatment options , though life style changes I just mentioned above will also make your cholesterol better.
As far as control of blood pressure is concerned it may take a week for it to reach a steady state, with life style management i mentioned above you can make it even better and reduce your dependence on drug.
As far as heart pounding is concerned it will get better soon as the drug reaches a steady level in your blood.
I will suggest you not to get worried things will get better soon with time all you have to do is to monitor your blood pressure closely and keep in touch with your doctor in case of any problem.
Wish you health.