Hi & Welcome to HCM.
I can understand your concern.
The duration of treatment could be 6 to 9 months. It is important to complete the entire course of the treatment.
Tuberculosis can affect the lining of the uterus, damaging it, or can cause adhesions that lead to blockage of the fallopian tubes which cannot be reversed. If the TB is diagnosed at an early stage and the infection is treated, the damage to the uterus or fallopian tubes may heal completely.
The Anti Kochs treatment (AKT) is given in two phases.
In the first phase (active phase) of the treatment AKT4 (Isoniazide, Rifampicin,
Pyrazinamide &
Ethambutol) is given for 2 months. This is followed by administration of AKT2 (Isoniazide & Rifampicin) for 4 months in case of 6 months regimen.
After the first two months of treatment) you can start planning for a baby. After the course is completed, you can go for a
laparoscopy &
hysteroscopy to know whether the uterus, fallopian tubes & ovaries are normal or not. Also, your husband's
semen analysis should be done simultaneously, your hormonal tests which include FSH, LH, TSH, Prolactin, OGTT & Pelvic ultrasound scan should be done if your cycles are not regular. Beside you also need to undergo follicular monitoring to track ovulation.
Take daily
folic acid supplements and maintain an ideal weight.
Hope this will work.
Best wishes.