I was given amoxycillin for a chest infection and did not improve after 48 hours, therefore I went back to the GP who then gave me Clarythmomycin as it resulted in pneumonia. I have been off work for 3 weeks now and feel completely washed out and exhausted. I had a chest x-ray which was clear, but was given an inhaler temporarily as I was out of breath and wheezy. I still have an incredible amount of phlegm which has now changed from brown to sometimes green to clear. Unfortunately, for last 3 days, my trachea is extremely bruised to touch and feel as if someone is pressing my windpipe. Although my tonsils aren t swollen, my ear hurts deep inside. I have had to start taking paracetamol again this week as feel weak, wobbly and feel as if I am going backwards again instead of improving. I am 45 years old. Non-smoker.This is the 3rd time I have had pneumonia in 18 years. I am reasonably fit and healthy, and I don t suffer from colds normally, but whenever I come down with something, I seem to suffer with it. How long does it take to get back to normal? Are the trachea symptoms part of the initial pneumonia symptoms or would I need to see the GP again. I am feeling extremely fed up of generally feeling unwell. I am taking a tonic (Metatone) and drinking and eating healthily. Basically, is it normal to feel this unwell for so long.