Thanks for your query and an elucidate history.
The most probable cause of your symptoms of sensitivity to touch up and down the incision, can be due to
nerve entrapment in the stitch or a fibrous tissues.
The sensitive right testicle can be due to the same or sue to vascular problems.
The lump on the lower part of the
scrotum an be due to a collection of fluid called
hydrocele due to surgery.
Noothing much to worry.
The neurological problem is sometimes self -limiting and may need
Gabapentin or so.
The hydrocele is to be confirmed by the
ultrasonography and if small , leave it as it is as the body will re-absorb the fluid.
Get examined by your Surgeon who operated you, get ultrasonography and color doppler of the abdomen and the scrotum done. Continue the treatment as may be advised by your surgeon on clinical examination and as seen on USG.
IT may take a few more weeks for all the problems are solved, it is better not to explore the area for some time. If there is no response to medical line of treatment a small surgical intervention may be needed...