Hi, I donated a kidney to my brother on Dec. 15th. 2010. I was discharged 4 days later back home & all was well until a week ago. Then my right foot big toe joints ballooned and became hot and very painful. My G.P diagnosed Gout. I have no previous history of gout or arthritus & no family history either. I had no suggestion of this complication during my tests and preparation for the surgery. I am 53 years old. Aside from 2 weeks of inactivity the on;y other factor was that someone had recommended I drink Cranberry Juice as, I was told, this helps avoid possible bladder infections, (following catherter insertion). The little info. I have found re. gout does mention particularly avoiding Cranberry & fructose - unfortunately! Should I be doing anything other than avoiding high Purine foods & keeping the foot elevated, should i be worried & will I now be prone to further attacks? Any advice welcomed. Many thanks. Andy Ferguson