i undestand your concerns
Yes you've got the spelling right!
This is how Shingels spreads
Person with
shingles can spread the disease through direct contact with the rash when the rash is in the blister phase. Once the rash has developed crusts, the person is no longer contagious. A person cannot give the infection to others before blisters appear or with postherpetic
neuralgia (pain after the rash is gone). The virus is not spread through
sneezing, coughing, or casual contact.
The virus that causes shingles, VZV, can be spread from a person with active shingles to a person who has never had
chickenpox through direct contact with the rash. The person exposed would develop chickenpox, not shingles.
The risk of spreading shingles is low if the rash is covered.Please keep the rashes covered, avoid touching and scratching, and wash their hands frequently to avoid spreading it to the people you are working with.
Also, you can make sure that these kids are vaccinated for
chicken pox.
Hope it helps
Take Care!