Thanks for your query.
You have said that you were diagnosed with
peptic ulcer with H. Pylori infection.
Your doctor must have treated you with the 3 drug regimen consisting of 2 antibiotics and one
Proton pump inhibitor .You have not mentioned whether you have been retested for H.Pylori eradication .
It has been more than 10 years since your last
endoscopy and since you continue to have symptoms please get an endoscopy done by the Gastroenterologist doctor who will advice you according to the endoscopy results .
few basic things to do when you have peptic ulcer
Never skip your meals
Stop smoking
Stop Alcohol
No soft drinks
Cut down coffee and tea intake
Dont eat processed foods .
Reduce oil and spicy food .
Do not eat within two hours of bedtime
Dont use pain killers unless absolutely essential.In that case take it with a anti ulcer drug.
constipation eat a plant based diet
Cut down dairy products and animal meat
Eat a high fibre diet ,lots of veggies and fruits
Dont sit for long hours keep moving for your bowels to move
Drink at least 2.5 liters of fluids daily
Always ask for probiotics from the doctor if he prescribes antibiotics.
this will help in generating good healthy gut bacteria
If you follow these simple guidelines you should be able to treat your stomach upsets , constipation and your peptic ulcer .
hope this was helpful.