Amenorrhoea for 4 years. Periods started to become irregular when I started University ( 5 years ago). Eventually, they stopped completely ( 4 years ago). At a similar time, I started getting stomach problems - my stomach would be frequently bloated. I still have this problem now and cannot pinpoint it to any particular foods. I often suffer from constipation (always have done because I ate a very poor diet as a child - no fruit or veg) despite eating healthily - lots of fruit and veg and water. My periods stopped when I was at a normal health weight (I had actually gained weight whilst at University). I went on a diet to lose the gained weight - lost too much weight - ended up anorexic. Since my periods stopped way before I developed anorexia, I do not believe that the two are linked - but I wanted to provide this information anyway. I am now fully recovered - I weigh more than I did when I was having periods as a teenager (just over 9 stone, 170cm tall) - and still no periods (as I said, I don t think the two things were related). I am prone to having low blood sugar attacks (I have always been prone to these, but it seems worst after recovering from anorexia - again, I don t think this is related to my periods). I still have frequent bloating and constipation. I have a reduced libido. I have vaginal secretions every day (leaves white stain - no smell).