I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes several months ago. The doctor put me on several medicines for that along with medicines for high blood pressure, bipolar, stress and a decrease in my vitamin D levels. My problem is I cant get control of my sugar although we have increased my sugar medicines and Im worried that another medicine Im taking may be causing my sugar to stay elevated. I am currently on 850Mg of Metformin twice a day and 30Mg of actos once a day for my sugar. I am also on 10Mg of Buspar twice a day for anxiety, 20-25Mg Lotensin HCT for blood pressure once a day, 2,000MG of Vitamin D once a day, 200Mg of Lamictal once a day for my bipolar and 10Mg of ambien at night to help me sleep. The problem is I am only 29 and am a single mother. I lost my mom 3 years ago to a diabetic coma which was later determined to be caused by the combination of her medications. I'm scared. Please help!!